Jun. 17

UnlockBase API Now Fully DHRU Fusion Compatible

Tech News, UnlockBase

We are happy to inform you that DHRU Fusion and our API for wholesale clients are now completely compatible. Thanks to this integration, users of DHRU Fusion can connect to our system without hassle and without requiring any extra configurations or customized changes. For our wholesale partners, this improvement simplifies the procedure and offers a more seamless and effective experience.

DHRU Fusion API: What This Means for You

For our wholesale customers using DHRU Fusion, this compatibility update offers several key benefits:

  • Seamless Integration: Without requiring any special modifications, connect your current DHRU Fusion system straight to our API. Time is saved, and integration complexity is decreased.
  • Enhanced Productivity: Utilize our powerful API, which is now seamlessly linked with DHRU Fusion, to automate your process and improve your business operations.
  • Enhanced Reliability: Take advantage of the DHRU Fusion platform’s and our API’s combined performance and dependability, which guarantees a steady and reliable service.

Getting Started


To start taking advantage of this new compatibility, simply register for an account on UnlockBase. Once registered, navigate to the API section on the left side of your user terminal. Here, you’ll find all the necessary information and resources to integrate our API with your DHRU Fusion system.

API Key Management and Documentation

Managing your API keys and accessing documentation has never been easier. Our user terminal provides a straightforward interface for controlling your UnlockBase account from your own server.

  • API Key Management: Easily show or regenerate your API key as needed.
  • Security: Customize your security settings by specifying the IP addresses or networks you want to restrict access to. If left blank, the API will accept connections from any IP, locking onto the first IP that connects.
  • Documentation: Access detailed documentation for both API version 2 and the new API version 3.

API Version 2

API version 2 allows you to gain complete, automated access to your UnlockBase account for IMEI orders only. You can order unlock codes, check your archives, cancel orders, and more, all from your own server.

API Version 3

Our latest API version 3 is fully compatible with version 2. Users wanting to migrate just need to replace their files and reconfigure the new API. It fixes errors with PHP 5.4 and adds services to place Clean IMEI Check orders.

Why Choose UnlockBase API?

For managing and automating your unlocking services, our API provides a complete solution. You can focus on expanding your company while we take care of the technical details thanks to features that are designed to make your operations simpler. Key characteristics consist of:]\

  1. Real-time Notifications: Keep yourself updated with real-time notifications and updates.
  2. Extensive Documentation: Access detailed documentation to guide you through every step of the integration process.
  3. 24/7 Support: Our dedicated support team is available around the clock to assist you with any questions or issues.

We are dedicated to giving you the greatest resources and assistance possible to improve your business operations, which is why we have made our API completely compatible with DHRU Fusion.

Join the growing number of wholesale customers who are already benefiting from this powerful integration.

For more information or to get started, visit UnlockBase today.

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